Mediachance Photo-Reactor 32bit/64bit - All the standard image editing applications are stuck with the work-flow defined in the last century.
They are static by design: Apply one step after another and pile layers on top of more layers. Step by step.
The problem starts as soon as you want to go back and change effect or settings that you did many steps ago.
If you like to create new original effects and experiment with image processing you need to be able to change absolute everything at any time and see the effect of your changes immediately.
Photo Reactor is exactly that. A completely new way of dynamic photo editing with truly parallel processing flow where you can change anything at any time.
Photo-Reactor Features:
• A software that can truly create new image effects and processes
• Very visual • Highly optimized, fast software for both 32 and 64-bit Windows platforms
• Self-Documenting Flow
• Versatile, any type of effects is possible from brilliantly adjusted photos to painting and graphics
• Easy way to share new effects
• Scriptable with high level c++ language
• Loads and re-interprets Adobe Photoshop *.PSD files with layers
• Call other graphic applications from within the interface
• Extendable with SDK and plug-ins (such as QR Code Generator )
• Professional tools such as vectroscopes and monitors