Xara Page & Layout Designer 9 Name a software powerful posters, brochures, and business and graphic images., this software will give users the ability to make things such as company logos, business cards, posters, advertising and marketing person to do. assistance to
software You can easily build and design banners, posters, brochures, newsletters and ... This way you and others to introduce their products and capabilities. Xara Software Features Page & Layout
Designer: - Use a complete set of default templates - allow formatting of text and other written information - the Magic Snap-accelerated graphics set - the ability to directly print data output - Support for different versions of Windows.
Xara Page & Layout Designer Features
- Significant collection of royalty-free themes with the excellent business reputation
- Develop company charge cards, mail paper, stationery, meal and refreshments food selection, images and many others.
- Xara Page & Layout Designer 9.2.3 Make your inexpensive advertising stuff: flyers, paper prints, updates, discount coupons and many others.
- Layout advertising and marketing products offering your business logo (e. g. k-cups, pencils for example. )
- Immediate link to social networking web-sites, age. gary the gadget guy. Zynga
- Almost all characteristics available as one screen
- Zero preceding know-how required.
Minimum System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8
Intel Celeron or newer, or AMD Sempron or newer
500MB of RAM
300MB of available hard-disk space